published: 13 June 2011
A National Junior’s Championship Held at Tosor on June 11, 2011, with KOC’s Support
A National Junior’s Championship, the Janek Baatyr Cup, was held on June 11, 2011, at Tosor with KOC’s support. This is the second competition of the kind, this time with a wider range of participants, including about 200 sportsmen coming from all regions of Kyrgyzstan and neighboring Kazakhstan.
In the weight class of under 60 kg, the winners were Dmitry Puchin (the village of Tosor), Janibek Talaibekov (the village of Ton), Bakyt Egemberdiyev (Junior’s Sports School) and two Osh residents, Sagymbai uulu Baiman and Mamyt uulu Jakshilyk. In the weight division of under 73 kg, the winners’ list included Borobai uulu Nursultan (the town of Tokmok), Fakhriddin Amatov (the village of Tosor), and Ermek Sariyev (Bishkek University of Humanities).
It should be noted that young Tosor residents have become winners for the first time. Much to the general delight, Tosor was announced the holder of the Championship’s Cup. At a specially held ceremony, the Vice-President of the Kyrgyz National Judo Federation, member of the National Olympic Committee, Emil Ryskulov, handed on the Cup representing the symbol of the junior’s tournament to the Tosor team, where it will be held until the next year’s Championship.
“Sport is developing in the Jety-Oguz district quite dynamically,” said Kerim Shatmanov, Manager, Community Relations. “Our Company contributes to its development across the region. We help repair the grounds, gyms, etc. It is important that the young people benefit from their leisure instead of loitering their time away. It delights the heart to see them trying to improve their living standards, making their life more varied and eventful. For our part, we will keep helping them, just as we promised. What we need is stability and willingness to work, in which case we can do a lot of good things.”