published: 12 May 2014
Efforts will be made to renovate irrigation systems in twelve communities of Jety-Oguz and Ton districts, Issyk-Kul province, and overhaul roads to distant pastures, for which purpose Kumtor has sent equipment (including shovels and trucks) and specialists. The Company’s contribution to the 2014 program of village infrastructure improvement totals US $100,000.
Earth-moving operations will be carried out to clear and secure daily run-off ponds in five communities, restore four droves, and fix river dams that have been destroyed by mud torrents. Also, the Kumtor mine’s special equipment is supposed to be used to restore part of the washed out roads to some distant pastures and expand a water reservoir at Ton.
The Company has regularly granted farmers’ requests to restore irrigation canals destroyed by mud torrents. This year’s earth-moving operations are expected to have a significant effect on the region’s economic growth, as well as on the road and irrigation infrastructure as local residents will gain free access to distant pastures and irrigation water.