published: 19 August 2015
Kumtor Gold Company has released the Environment and Sustainability Report for 2014. The Report is published to inform the governmental authorities, non-governmental sector and the general public about the environmental situation at the Kumtor mine and measures taken by the company to protect the environment. The publication of the Report is a voluntary initiative of the company, aimed at increasing information transparency and supporting a constructive dialogue with all stakeholders.
The format of the Report meets the third generation (G3) of the Global Reporting Initiative’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines and the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement. This is an additional measure to ensure compliance with the basic requirements contained in the Environmental Action Plan of Kumtor Company. When determining the scope, contents and limits of this Report’s coverage, we took into account significant issues identified by the Сompany and stakeholders.
“The Company welcomes constructive comments and feedback to further improve our annual environment and sustainability reporting process, and our strategies to manage and improve our environmental and social performance” said Rodney Stuparyk, Vice President, Risk Management, Compliance and Sustainable Development.
The released Report will be forwarded to the state authorities, local self-government authorities, public organizations and libraries of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Kumtor Gold Company’s Annual Environment Report for 2014 is available to all interested parties in Russian and English languages in the the KGC Environment and Sustainability Reports section.