published: 16 September 2013
An International Environmental Forum, Jashyl Oi (“Green Thinking”), will be held in Cholpon-Ata, Issyk-Kul province, between September 16 and 23, 2013, with the financial support of Kumtor Company. Timed to coincide with the Year of Environmental Culture and Environmental Protection across the CIS which is marked in 2013, the Forum will be held under the aegis of the International Humanitarian Cooperation Fund. The event is organized by the Youth Initiative Promotion Fund.
The basic topic of the Forum is green enterprise. One of the key goals of the Forum is to promote consolidation of expertise in the field of sustainable development and environmental safety. The Forum participants are supposed to discuss ideas and take joint steps designed to improve the environment throughout the CIS under the international network of young leaders. The Forum will be a venue for experience and best practices exchange in the conservation area.
• green enterprise;
• sustainable development for local communities;
• mobilization of young people under environmental projects and initiatives;
• eco-law;
• ecotourism;
• healthy life-styles and ecosettlements;
• contribution of young scientists to conservation efforts;
• environmental journalism, etc.
Participating in the Forum will be public figures, activists, journalists, bloggers, green media workers, successful green business people and scientists from each of the CIS countries aged under 35.