published: 07 October 2013

ПРОДОЛЖАЕТСЯ РЕКОНСТРУКЦИЯ АВТОДОРОГИ БАЛЫКЧЫ-БОКОНБАЕВО-КАРАКОЛ ЗА СЧЕТ СРЕДСТВ «КУМТОРА»Work on renovating a 3-kilometer stretch of the Balykchi-Bokonbayevo-Karakol motor road, one between the 89th and the 92nd kilometers, is in progress in Issyk-Kul province. The stretch between the village of Bokonbayevo and the village of Ton has been selected upon consultation with the local authorities as one most wanting repair. This is one of the first steps taken under a renovation program for the motor-road of national importance running along the southern coast of Issyk-Kul Lake.

The following work was completed by the end of the first week of October 2013:
• the upper layer of the road surface was removed and the road leveled;
• the road was 97% expanded to reach the planned 9 meters in width;
• work on the installation of water floods and mudflow protection conduit pipes is nearing its end;
• a coating plant assemblage and installation of power supply lines was completed. After being tested the plant will be ready for operation;
• road metalling, the backbone of the future road, was begun.

It will be remembered that Kumtor Company has contributed US $1.9 mln for this project. The tender for which four road construction companies were bidding was won by Imperia Group from Karakul, Jalal-Abad province.
The asphalt carpet will be 9 m wide while the double-layer asphalt coat is estimated to make the road passable for heavy-duty equipment. The road will remain in service for 15 years, experts say. Under the agreement, it is the contractor who will bear warranty liabilities during the first year of road service and remedy defects, if any, for his own account.