A Kindergarten Opened at Ton, Issyk-Kul Province A kindergarten opened in the village of Ton, Ton district, Issyk-Kul province. It was renovated with the support of Kumtor Operating Company. Also, the gold miner provided assistance in the purchasing of equipment, household appliances, toys and essential goods. The opening ceremony was attended by a good half of the village residents and a small concert was given by local children. The comfortable and fully-equipped building will receive its young charges as soon as September, 2011. Noteworthily, as many as nine social projects have been launched with KOC’s support in the Ton district, Issyk-Kul province, this year. Cooperation is also developed with UNIFEM (UN Women), local authorities and NGOs. KOC has contributed US $130,000 to a small-grant program as part of the project designed to improve the social infrastructure of the Ton district. UN Women, for its part, has undertaken to organize and hold a competition of small-grant seeker projects. As a result, nine 10,000-dollar projects have been selected. The kindergarten is a ninth project implemented in the Ton district so far with KOC’s backing. The Issyk-Kul Regional Development Fund, whose budget is formed out of KOC contributions, has also participated in the […]