Recently, the attacks and accusations by Members of the Parliament and the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic, carrying an exceedingly negative and provocative nature, affecting the activities of our company negatively and discrediting its business reputation, have become a common practice. In this regards, we, the citizens of Kyrgyzstan and employees of Kumtor Operating Company, are extremely concerned about the happenings and, exercising our constitutional right, we wish to express our views and civil position regarding the criticism and the issues raised by Members of the Parliament as well as the Government, who visited the Kumtor mine. Many of us had been working at the mine for more then 15 years, and we are well aware of the procedures followed in gold mining operations and of the high standards of safety and environmental protection established and observed here. Moreover, some of our specialists, who had worked at other foreign and CIS enterprises of this kind admit that nowadays there are very few similar ventures with such an organization and working conditions, constant improvement of the technological process as at Kumtor. It is no secret that Kumtor is the main source of budget revenues of Kyrgyzstan. According to the statistics, that […]