published: 24 September 2013
An International Environmental Forum, Jashyl Oi (“Green Thinking”), was held in Cholpon-Ata, Issyk-Kul province, between September 16 and 23, 2013, with the financial support of Kumtor Company. Timed to coincide with the Year of Environmental Culture and Environmental Protection across the CIS which is marked in 2013, the Forum was held under the aegis of the CIS International Humanitarian Cooperation Fund. The event was organized by the Youth Initiative Promotion Fund.
The Forum’s main topic was “green” enterprise with promoting consolidation of sustainable development and environmental safety experts being among its top priorities.
The Forum participants adopted a resolution on creating an international network of young specialists. The Forum became a venue for experience and best practices exchange in the conservation area enabling CIS young experts to discuss openly the ideas and joint efforts aimed at improving the environment across the CIS member nations.
“Kumtor is happy to sponsor the International Forum “Jashyl oi”. KR has some of the most beautiful scenery and nature anywhere in the world, so it is important to raise the awareness of positive environmental management practices and the concept of sustainable development – development that is economically, environmentally and socially responsible. This is particularly important for the Youth of this country who will be its future leaders,” said Ben Ferris, Director of Environment, Kumtor.