How to become a Supplier

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How to become a Supplier

Suppliers interested in co-operating with our company shall be qualified and accredited according to the established KGC requirements.

You can send your commercial proposals to the contacts (link to the Contacts section) listed on the main page of the Procurement and Sales section.

Qualification and accreditation

The purpose of the supplier qualification and accreditation process is to minimize the risks associated with non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by a potential supplier in case a contract for the supply of goods/works/services is concluded with it.

A supplier for concluding contracts may be selected only among qualified bidders, except in cases of a simplified contracting process or selection of a non-alternative contractor. Qualification can be conducted before the selection procedure or during open/mixed competitive selection procedures.

Technical audit is an on-site inspection of a potential supplier to ensure that the criteria stated during the pre-qualification are met. The audit shall be conducted, when necessary, impartially, to ensure the objectivity of its results. During the technical audit, the potential supplier shall demonstrate the ability or provide evidence of the ability to comply with KGC requirements.

Post-qualification selection is an additional element in the qualification process, which can be conducted in the case of long-running (more than six (6) months) after the deadline for submission of bids; for multi-stage procedures – submission of bids within the first stage), competitive procedures, or where there is reason to believe that the characteristics of one or more procurement participants (including subcontractors) have changed significantly during the procurement procedure.

Post-qualification consists of confirmation by the procurement participant of its compliance with the pre-qualification requirements by submitting additional requested documents to the Customer.

It is prohibited to set qualification requirements other than those contained in the procurement documentation during the post-qualification procedure.

Failure to pass the post-qualification, refusal of the procurement participant to pass it is the basis for not concluding a contract with such participant according to the results of the procurement procedure.

Accreditation is the process of forming a database of trusted suppliers. Accreditation is conducted by groups of goods/works/services consumed by the Company for further procurement among accredited suppliers in order to optimize and improve the efficiency of the KGC procurement management mechanisms. Accreditation is voluntary and can be conducted on the initiative of the applicant to confirm its competence in ensuring the KGC activities, or if materials are directed from the Procurement Department.

Not subject to accreditation:

  1. law enforcement or state authorities of industrial, technological, energy, architectural and construction, environmental, metrological, and other types of control.
  2. licensing authorities.
  3. natural monopolists, officially registered by the antimonopoly authority, selling goods (services) at state regulated tariffs, carrying out their activities in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The results of accreditation in the relevant field are valid for 12 (twelve) months from the date of the decision on the results of accreditation.

Unless otherwise expressly prohibited by the procurement documentation, participants who have been accredited may indicate the fact of accreditation instead of documents confirming compliance with the requirements.

Accreditation shall be conducted for the purpose of:

  • analyzing the market and accumulating information about suppliers.
  • preliminary (prior to the announcement of a specific procurement) assessment of suppliers in order to determine their compliance with the minimum requirements set by KGC to suppliers.
  • enabling any supplier to provide information in advance that may be requested repeatedly by KGC for specific procurements during the period of accreditation.

If the supplier has not passed accreditation before the procurement procedure, it may be passed during the procurement procedure if the conditions of the procurement documentation provide for the possibility of a selection stage (both in the form of pre-qualification and in the assessment of qualifications during the procurement itself).

If suppliers plan to participate as a group (several legal entities acting on the side of one procurement participant) in the customer’s procurement, they shall be accredited separately.


Submission of documents for qualification/accreditation

Documents for qualification/accreditation shall be submitted to the address specified in the information notice on qualification/accreditation or upon request of the procurement specialist. Unless otherwise expressly prohibited by the procurement documentation, the supplier may also be accredited simultaneously with participation in the procurement procedure by submitting a set of documents for accreditation. Documents submitted for accreditation will not be returned to the supplier.

Costs of participation in qualification/accreditation

The potential supplier shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of qualification/accreditation documents. The qualification/accreditation organizer is not liable for such costs. The potential supplier shall not be charged a fee for the qualification/accreditation procedure.

Notification of participants of qualification/accreditation results

Upon completion of the qualification/accreditation procedure, KGC shall notify the Supplier of the results of qualification/accreditation (passing or failing the procedure) by e-mail (or by fax) within 1 (one) month from the date of submission of the full set of documentation to KGC.

List of documents to be submitted by Participants of procurement procedures.

When organizing procurement procedures to select a Supplier of goods/works/services for KGC needs, participants of procurement procedures (hereinafter referred to as the Participant) shall submit the following documents:


At the stage of submitting applications for participation in the procurement procedure:

  1. Copy of the Supplier’s Questionnaire (link to the Supplier’s Questionnaire document…).
  2. Copy of the Charter with all amendments and additions (if any), certified by the signature of the head or an official authorized by the head, as well as copy of the Resolution of the general meeting of participants or the sole participant on the approval of this Charter.
  3. Copy of the Certificate of State Registration (re-registration) of a legal entity certified by the Participant.
  4. Copy of the Certificate of State Registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity/copy of the Patent (voluntary or mandatory) for the relevant type of activity (valid as of the date of submission), as well as copy of the Passport/ID card.
  5. For legal entities: information on the absence of debts on tax payments and insurance contributions to the budget of the Kyrgyz Republic.
  6. Scanned copies of the original balance sheet with all appendices, stamped and signed by the organization or a scanned copy of the original Unified Tax Declaration accepted by the State Tax Service under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2 (two) previous calendar years.
  7. Copy of documents confirming the authority of the head, certified by the Participant (order on appointment of the head, extract from the minutes of the meeting of participants on appointment of the head, decision of the sole participant of the legal entity). If another person acts on behalf of the Participant – a duly certified copy of such power of attorney for the person authorized to sign contracts and other documents.


  1. Information on participation in court proceedings according to the form:

Information on the Participant’s participation in court proceedings (for the last three years, including the current year) Year

Other parties to the proceedings Subject of the dispute Amount of the claim Has the process been completed? In whose favour has the decision been made?









(Signature, stamp)


(Full name and position of the signatory)

The Customer may additionally request:

  1. a) Information on experience in the execution of similar contracts:

Supplier _____________________________________


Total experience in supplying goods, works (services) similar to the subject of the Request for Proposals for the last 3 (three) years.


Annual volume of goods, works (services) similar to the subject of the Request for Proposals in the reporting currency, specifying the currency







Current year

year to date


(Signature, stamp)


(Full name and position of the signatory)


  1. b) Certificate of equipment availability required to perform the works (render services):


Manufacturer, make, brand Q-ty, pcs. Year of manufacture Power (capacity) Status (location and current liabilities)

Source (own, rented, etc.)


(Signature, stamp)


(Full name and position of the signatory)


Documents to be submitted if available:

  1. In case of delivery of goods, a document confirming the Participant’s authorization to deliver the goods (its part).
  2. Copies of valid licenses, if the activity constituting the subject of the contract is subject to licensing certificates of admission to highly dangerous facilities, admission to handling, transportation, etc., certified by the signature of the head or an official authorized by the head.
  3. Copies of valid certificates of conformity (declaration of conformity, quality passports) for the supplied products, certificates, and other documents confirming the quality of products, their origin and indicating the conditions and terms of warranty; ISO 9001 quality certificate.
  4. Feedback from the Participant’s contractors on similar contracts previously executed without limitation of the issue period – certified by the signature of the head or an official authorized by the head (upon request).
  5. Copy of the document of the established form confirming the application of the simplified taxation system.

Documents to be submitted before signing a contract with a supplier of works/services/goods:

For a Participant who is a resident of the Kyrgyz Republic:

  1. Original of the questionnaire (card) of the legal entity with the date of its completion, signed by the head and chief accountant and stamped.
  2. Document certified by the Participant confirming the existence of a decision (approval) by the body established by the KR legislation on conclusion of a major transaction, or (if the transaction is not a major transaction for the Participant according to the legislation) – a free-form certificate on the book value of assets as of the date of deciding on conclusion of the transaction.


For a foreign Participant who is not a resident of the Kyrgyz Republic, regardless of the amount, the following shall be submitted additionally:

  1. Notarized translation into Russian of constituent documents and registration documents.
  2. Notarized translation into Russian of the Extract from the Commercial Register of the country of registration of the legal entity (branch or representative office).
  3. Copy of the consolidated financial statements for the last two reporting periods if such statements are prepared.
  4. Notarized translation into Russian of documents on state registration of a legal entity or an individual as an individual entrepreneur in accordance with the legislation of the relevant state. In addition, for a branch of a foreign supplier established in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic: duly certified copies of the Regulations on the branch and the certificate of state registration (re-registration).

During the procurement on the public procurement portal the final package of documents for the conclusion of contracts for the supply of goods, works and services will be determined in accordance with the procurement (tender) documentation.

The Organizer of the procurement has the right to additionally request other documents.

In case of involvement of subcontractors (co-executors) under the contracts (for the provision of services), the obligation of contractors (executors) to provide documents for subcontractors (co-executors) shall be provided for in the contracts (for the provision of services): copies of the balance sheets for the last reporting period as of the date of submission of the application, a copy of the Charter, certified by the signature of the head, a copy of the Certificate of state registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, for individual entrepreneurs – a copy of the Certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur without forming a legal entity/a copy of the Patent (voluntary or mandatory) for the relevant type of activity (valid as of the date of submission), as well as a copy of the Passport, certified by the Participant, copies of the necessary valid licenses, copies of the necessary certificates of admission to highly dangerous facilities, permits and certificates, certified by the signature of the head or an official of the Participant or subcontractor (co-executor) authorized by the head, information about the subcontractor (co-executor).