published: 19 August 2017
With a view to expand the variety of procured goods and attract potential partners, The Kumtor Gold Company CJSC invites individual entrepreneurs and commercial organizations to take part in its information workshop, dedicated to the following issues:
• review of goods procured by the Company;
• materials, goods and services required by the Company;
• key requirements to suppliers and procured goods;
• procurement practices
Number of participants is limited. Applications must be submitted via e-mail: and marked “Information Workshop” in the subject line of the message before 17:00 hrs of September 8, 2017.
Applications must include full name of the company/legal entity, brief description of activities, personal details of participants and their contact information, including phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
Number of representatives from a single organization is limited to 2 persons.
Date and venue of the information workshop will be provided separately after review of submitted applications.