published: 19 September 2011
On September 19, 2011, a group of Jogorku Kenesh members, including Ravshan Jeenbekov, Dastan Bekeshov, Abdyjapar Bekmatov, Zamir Alymbekov, member of Bishkek City Kenesh Jusup Boshkoyev and the accompanying persons visited the Kumtor mine site. The visit was organized by Kumtor Operating Company Management at the request of various factions of the Kyrgyz Parliament who wished to visit the gold mine in order to see the real state of things at the mine. It should be noted that this is the second group of MPs to have visited the Kumtor mine site this year.
The visitors expressed interest in the mine’s operation, social and living conditions, safety standards, and the mine’s performance. They visited all the key facilities, including the open pit, underground declines and the gold mill, and saw the primary stages of ore mining and processing.
Ravshan Jeenbekov, MP, who had last visited the Kumtor mine site fifteen years ago, said there were a lot of things in the mine’s operation that could be seen as a model to be copied by other companies as its production was based on international experience and strict standards. “Actually, our intention was to see that, first, environmental standards and, second, safety standards are fully complied with. Third, we wanted to see that maintenance of tailings facilities is in agreement with the regulations adopted throughout the world. Our visit has convinced us that all this is in case here,” Ravshan Jeenbekov colcluded.
Summarizing his experiences during the visit, Dastan Bekeshev, MP, said; “There are a lot of rumors surrounding Kumtor today and many opponents to the project. Some blame the Canadians for polluting the environment. But having visited the operating facilities we saw that in crucial points things are quite normal. Passions are being stirred elsewhere. As for the investors, they have all relevant statements and expert opinions to defend their cause.”
The MPs are going to share their impressions about their visit with the other parliamentarians during one of JK sessions.