published: 25 May 2015
A “Welcome Summer” event took place in Balykchi on May 25, 2015, which included a cleanup action on two public beaches in the neighborhood of Balykchi. The event was organized by Kumtor Gold Company with the support of the Generation NEXT youth association, Balykchi City Hall, local school students and Company employees.
Approximately 200 volunteers took part in the action. Schoolchildren, Company employees and City Hall officials picked a truckful of litter. A flash mob was organized by the children as part of the event with the most active of them receiving prizes and gifts from the Company, including thank-you letters, various books and stationery.
The cleanup event was followed by a picnic. In an informal atmosphere, teachers and schoolchildren got replies to their questions about Company activities, plans and projects intended to support youth initiatives.
“The Balykchi City Hall views it as a very important thing to forge partnership with Company representatives based in our city. We are always happy to support actions designed to improve our home city. Kumtor Company has supported the city residents for years, and we are pleased to see the Company initiating this joint cleanup event on the municipal beaches,” said Begaim Algojoyeva, Balykchi Vice Mayor, Social Sector.