published: 03 August 2015
The 11th Green Camp organized by the Sarychat Association in the village of Chon Jargylchak with the financial support of Kumtor Gold Company closed last week. A total of 26 children from needy families residing in the Jety-Oguz and Ak-Su districts, Issyk-Kul Province, have taken a rest and gained new knowledge in the Edelweiss resort.
As part of the camp’s green curriculum, practical training in taking water samples from Lake Issyk-Kul and the Barskoon River was organized for the first time this year. Guided by experts, children took water samples for a number of environmental parameters. Also, a number of quizzes and competitions were organized as part of the camp’s program. As a result, the children have acquired skills in participating in field biological studies, observing rules of green conduct, identifying green problems faced by their native villages and searching for ways to resolve them.
The 2015 camping closed by handing certificates and prizes to participants. According to the Camp Director, Ishemkul Asakeyev, green camps are the best form of combining the theory and practice of environmental enlightenment which provides additional green education during summer holidays.
“The annual Camp has been organized for the eleventh time largely due to our cooperation with Sarychat Association. The purpose of the project is to get children involved in conservation efforts, raise their environmental awareness, and develop their leadership skills,” said Erik Kojomkulov, Health, Safety and Environment Manager, Kumtor Gold Company.